By fate as I say, I picked up the weekly local paper. There was an ad in the ‘Help Wanted’ section looking for a person to take care and assist Marc Emery in his home. This was it, my chance to come out of the closet and start my destiny with my “Soul Partner.” 

I called him within minutes holding the magazine he had signed and the hand written address. He had remembered meeting me at the bank (it was the blonde, big boobs, red lip thing) and was curious as to why an over qualified young woman would apply for the position of ‘cleaning lady’. 

I explained that he had to see me before hiring anyone. Luckily he agreed and I went to his home the next day. Armed with my resume and 6 pages of references I was not going to fail, I knew in my soul he would see that he needed me as much as I needed him. Within a few minutes I was hired. Part of me was completely overjoyed, finally a step toward legalization, the other part terrified of how I was going to explain to my world that I’m working for Marc Emery.

I went home that evening with an unbelievable gift of some Shiskaberry after having been taken to dinner by Marc and a small group of activists that are now my greatest mentors. It was at that time I knew this was the start of the rest of my life and I had a massive job ahead. Seeing that many different areas of Marc’s business life and personal life needed help I decided to get busy and start cleaning up, and I mean clean up. From his house, to wardrobe, to relationships, to firing and hiring I did it all, at the same time becoming ‘family’ and ‘friend’. 

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